Saturday, January 24, 2009

Promethean Resources & Activslates

Davidson teachers our Activslates will be delivered soon!

Activslates allow remote control of lessons that will enable teachers and students to communicate with the Activstudio software. The Activslate interacts using the Activpen, with the same precision as on the Activboard and is small enough to be passed around the classroom to facilitate collaboration.

Promethean offers a a few website that will assist you, as you begin to utilize the equipment in your classroom.

Promethean Planet is a free online community designed to provide teachers the ability to share lessons, access a wide variety of professional development materials, and connect with fellow Activclassroom teachers from around the Planet. This site, with over 260,000 members, contains more than 10,400 resources that are simple to access. Visit Promethean Planet today to register for your free account and start searching!

Promethean Learning is dedicated to providing teachers with high quality online courses and certification. An introduction to the main features of Activstudio software is available through an interactive, self-paced, FREE course on Promethean Learning. To enroll in this course you will need to create a new account. This account will be separate from your account on Promethean Planet.Please be sure that you are signed up for the course designated Mac Level 1 for Activstudio.

These two sites will help you become familiar with the possibilities that an Activclassroom holds. You can begin exploring today! :)

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